Another Moroccan Wins Germany’s Reading Challenge

Morocco’s Ferdaous Bouzriouh has won the 2019 Arabic Reading Challenge that took place in Berlin in Germany and came to an end on Saturday 8th. 

the 9-years-old came first in the finals among 23 other contestants who qualified out of 70 participants in the semi-finals. These belong to 23 Arabic schools in Germany and come from different nationalities.

The title now qualifies Ferdaous Bouzriouh, who represents Assadaka Arabic school, to participate in the European contest and compete at the level of Arab communities in non-Arab countries, expected to take place later this year in the United Arab Emirate.

In a statement to the Arab Maghreb Agency, Ferdaous said, “I knocked on many doors and entered different worlds from their wide doors through reading many books in Arabic,” adding that she considers reading her “passport to many places.”

Ferdaous stated in the same interview that she has read many books about Morocco and about the famous Moroccan scholar and explorer, Ibn Battuta, and expressed her wish to pay a visit to the book fair in Casablanca.

Another 10-year-old Moroccan, Maryam Amjoun, made Moroccans very proud when she represented her country and won the 2018 Arabic Reading Challenge that was organized in the UAE.

International Casablanca
International Casablanca
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