Morocco Attains Self-sufficiency in Agricultural Produces

Agricultural production in Morocco has been able to cover the national need in food ten years after the implementation of the Green Morocco Plan, making great strides in the banishment of hunger.

Morocco has attained “a good level” of self-sufficiency in agricultural products, says the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agricultural, Mohamed Sadiki. Ten years after it announced the implementation of the Green Morocco Plan to develop agricultural produces throughout the kingdom, Morocco has been able to secure 100% of its need in vegetables and fruits, as well as milk and meat. As to cereals, Morocco still imports 30% from other markets.

In the same vein, the national production has been able attain a surplus of 136% for olives, 214% in cereal seeds, and 93% in tree crops.

This achievement, says the French-language daily newspaper Aujourd’hui le Maroc in October 21st issue, has been possible thanks for the combined efforts of the State and professionals in the “strong and fruitful” partnerships they established with third-parties.

This has led to improvement of the food system in Morocco and enabled the country to be at an advantage in its fight against hunger and poverty. In this regard, Morocco has achieved the United Nations ’first Millennium Goal that consists of“ eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, ”earlier than planned.

International Casablanca
International Casablanca
Articles: 647

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