Muslim Faith Schools Top UK Best Schools Ranking

Muslim faith Schools in the UK have topped the ranking of the best schools in the country as they took the first 3 positions and 8 positions in the rank of the top 20.

The UK Department for Education revealed its ranking of secondary schools across the country, GCSE League Tables, showing the preponderance of Islamic schools in 2019 ranking. These secured 4 positions in the top ten ranking and 8 positions in the top 20.

Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School ranked first in the ranking, followed by Eden Boy’s school in Birmingham and the Eden Girl’s School in neighboring Coventry.

A number of criteria are taken into accountin this ranking based on an education quality framework called “Progress 8”. This includes students level in science subjects, like math, physics and biology, in addition to their grades and their progress overtime.

Celebrating this unprecedented achievement, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said in a tweet: “Credit must go to the teachers, parents, and of course students, at these high performing Muslim faith schools for their excellent achievement.”

Harun Khan, the Secretary General of MCB congratulated the Muslim faith school continued that their outperformance came amid negative perceptions surrounding them.

Khan concluded that “their results show that with hard-work and dedication children of all backgrounds and in any educational setting can achieve their utmost.”

International Casablanca
International Casablanca
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