Report: These Diseases are Deadliest in Morocco

The Moroccan Association of Health Sciences has published its report revealing the deadliest chronic diseases for Moroccans.

The report published by the associations shows that Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, represent the deadliest diseases for Moroccans. Cardiovascular diseases are the cause of a staggering 38% percent of deaths in Morocco, followed by cancer at a rate of 18%.

Another important cause of deaths in Morocco is malnutrition that kills 14% of Moroccans.
Respiratory diseases and diabetes come last at a rate of 6 percent each.

The report also states over a third of Moroccans aged over 20 suffer from stress issues, and 13% suffer from obesity. In addition, 6.6% of Moroccans have diabetes and an appalling 50,000 of Moroccans are diagnoses with cancer every year.

International Casablanca
International Casablanca
Articles: 647

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