Teacher collapses and dies in front of Students in Safi

By Elouardirhi Hicham

Students and teachers at Mohammed Elhassan Elouazani High School in Safi are still traumatized by last the sudden death of a beloved teacher on Tuesday morning because of a heart attack.

Sixty five-year-old Nezhar had felt unwell, but he insisted on working that morning. Unfortunately, no sooner had he started teaching than the heart attack brought him to his knees and passed out. Shocked, some students ran for help after he fell in front of the classroom.

The students were moved to the schoolyard while paramedics attended to the blacked-out teacher and rushed him to Mohammed V hospital. Later, the news of his passing away came as a blow to everyone.

Despite tremendous efforts to resuscitate him, he never regained consciousness, according to doctors.

His colleagues and students say Mr. Nezhari was by far one of the most dedicated and consciousness teachers for almost 27 years, always toiling away to pass his class.

“He is always on time for work.”, one of the principals at his school said.

“He was a really good-natured and down-to-earth person with a smile on his face.’ Another teacher said.

A Neighbor added: “He was a really nice guy, very kind and would always wear a smiling face and say hello upon meeting his neigbors.

On a ministerial note, the directorate in Safi and the Ministry of education also said they were extremely saddened by the passing away of the teacher. They said that Mr. Nezhari was a loss to both the school and the Ministry of Education. They also expressed their sincere condolences to the bereaved family and the whole school community of Mohammed Elhassan Elouazani.

Just a few days before he departed this world for good, the deceased and I had a few discussions on a number of educational issues in the teachers lounge. During those small talks, you could see how much he loved his job and students.

He would say: “It always makes me feel happy when my students understand my lessons and do well in class.” He added “teaching is a lot more than stuffing mere words and grammar rules onto students’ little brains; teaching is rather about empathy, understanding and instilling the importance of learning in students.”

The last time we talked he seemed pale and out of shape. “I have an acute stomach pain and I can barley sleep at night”, He told me a few days prior to the unfortunate incident. The deceased also revealed to me that he had been looking forward to his retirement in six years’ time after working in class for almost three decades.

Though our friendship was short-lived, I felt I lost a long-life friend and colleague. His vivacious personality and smiling face are still lingering in my head every time I remember his untimely demise.

Our deepest thoughts and sympathies go  to Mr Nezhari’s family at this difficult time!

Rest in peace dear friend and may Allah grant you the uppermost paradise!




International Casablanca
International Casablanca
Articles: 647

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