The Civil Alliance for the Environment in Ammeln (ACEA), A New-born in the Associative World of Souss

Tafraout –  

Organized under the theme: “For an environmental civil society active in the construction of participatory democracy, the improvement of the quality of life and the protection of natural resources”, the Constitutive General Assembly ofthe ACEA, held on Saturday September 5 2020 in Tiznit, in southern Morocco, saw the participation of 19 representatives of associations, cooperatives and individuals representing a good part of the active interveners of Ammeln, operating in the fields of the environment and sustainable development.

At the issue of a multi-partners consultation process – which lasted several months – at both local and regional levels, ACEA now finds itself endowed with a legal structure that would allow it to meet the major challenges of its ambitions as confirmed by the directives of its General Assembly.

The ACEA thus intends to tackle several objectives, among others, the capacity building of its members, the support to be provided in order to allow them to benefit from both administrative and tangible facilities that will enable them to assume their roles of supervision, awareness raising and implementation of the development projects at the local level.

ACEA will also work to put in place a methodological work approach that will constitute the platform for local civil dialogue, aiming at the effective strengthening of a participatory democracy and advocacy for the protection of nature, the strengthening of partnership and cooperation.

It will also advocate, both at local and regional level, for the fight against desertification, the harmful effects of climate change, the protection of local cultural heritage and the operationalization of the objectives of sustainable development and openness to institutions and to regional, national and international dynamic associations, in compliance with the provisions of international agreements ratified by Morocco in the field of the protection of biodiversity.

“Such stake will certainly be taken up thanks to the skills, qualities and determination shown by the members of the Executive Committee of ACEA, supported by a Board of Directors made up of an elite of representatives of structures in Ammeln friendly to nature, who have being working for a long time in the field of the local environment ”declared Mr. Mohamed Bikikre, President of ACEA elected for a four year mandate.

International Casablanca
International Casablanca
Articles: 647

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