Tunisian Swallowed Almost 1 kg of Hashish, Gets Arrested in Mohammed V Airport

Moroccan authorities at the Mohamed V airport in Casablanca has arrested a 27-year old Tunisian lady that swallowed capsules containing 857 grams of Hashish on September 10th in an attempt to smuggle them into Tunisia.

Morocco’s General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) announced in a communiqué the arrest of the young lady at the airport as she was waiting for her flight to Tunisia. The preventive search that are routinely conducted resulted in revealing 4 capsules containing 28 grams of Hashish that the suspect hid in her underwear.

The authorities suspected that the woman might have swallowed more capsules, which urged them to place her under medical supervion at Ibn Rushd University Hospital to extract them. And indeed a total of 151 capsules containing 857 grams of hashish were extracted.

The same source goes on to say that the suspect was placed under police custody at the disposal of the search supervised by the General Prosecution’s office.

International Casablanca
International Casablanca
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